
Friday, September 28, 2012

The Jolly Lolly

My youngest child has a penchant for sweet things.  This is, I suppose, somewhat natural, but I think he has gone a little overboard in his love for sugary treats.  I try to moderate the intake of sweets and desserts in our home, because we all know that too much junk food is bad for you, right?

When Paul and I went to Charleston, we wanted to bring back something for each of our children.  We found a wooden cutlass for Josiah, and beaded bracelets for the girls, but nothing we saw seemed appropriate for Daniel.  That is, until we found a giant swirly lollipop!  I knew from the moment I saw it, that it would put a bigger smile on his face than any toy or trinket we could bring home.  So, I caved in and bought it…


His delight is quite obvious in the picture, even though I told him that he could not eat it all at once! :)


I really wonder how many licks it will take to eat the entire thing.  Has anyone ever finished an entire giant lollipop, or do they get tired of it and throw it away after a few weeks?  Just curious!


  1. That IS precious! I don't know how many licks out of that but I remember as a child I was given a 1 lb 'stick' of peppermint candy for Christmas! I made it last a whole year!! ;-)

  2. Precious picture!!!! I LOVE it!!! It's obvious you hit the nail on the head.

    Big candy didn't last long when I was a kid. Forget the licking! We BIT it! But I did have a friend who had a GIANT jawbreaker. When I saw it, it was obvious he had been licking on it for quite some time.....gross. :) But the lollipop is different. It has a stick. :)
