I was really impressed with my friend Renee’s blog the other day. She has been blogging for several years now and gave some of us “newbies” a few helpful hints. I was overwhelmed with all the information, but immediately started to tackle the easier tasks on her 12-point list. After about an hour and a half of messing around on my computer, I finally figured out how to edit the HTML text on my blog page for the look I wanted. (She didn’t tell me how to do that – it took some research on Blogger Help and a lot of hair-pulling to figure it out.) I am slowly becoming more computer literate, and that makes me happy! Below is a picture of Paul at his computer... he is usually the computer guru around our house, but for once, I didn't need his help! :)
I also downloaded Windows Live Writer, a free program she recommended. It can be used in conjunction with Blogger or other blogging sites. I am having fun experimenting with the various effects and techniques for photos that are far superior to Blogger’s capabilities. Thanks, Renee!
I don’t often post links to other blogs, but Renee has some great ideas about food preparation as well as recipes and menus. Check out her blog and be inspired!
I wondered if you saw her post on that subject! Glad you did and that it helped you out!