My summer freedom is coming to an end. I can hardly believe that School is just around the corner, but the pile of boxes in my living room is rather convincing. We received our final box of school books yesterday afternoon. Josiah and Abigail eyed them warily. "That's a lot of school books," commented Abigail. Esther, on the other hand laughed and danced around the kitchen in joyful anticipation of the upcoming school year. I had to laugh at her. She has wanted to go to school for the last two years, and her day of reckoning approaches! There is something rather exciting about the first day of school - even the first week, but after that, it seems to lose its charm. I think it has something to do with homework... :) Whatever the reason, I am gearing up for three students this fall, and a very active toddler. I am excited about all the new things we will be learning this year.
Josiah will be entering fifth grade (I love this age), Abigail is going into second and cannot wait to learn cursive, and Esther is chomping at the bit to start kindergarten. This will be my sixth year of home-schooling (if you discount the nine years I was a home-school student). I consider myself a school "Nazi" - by that I mean nothing interferes with school. We do not take random days off for no reason, or even have "snow days" (much to the horror of our winter-loving friends). We have field trips to interesting places, but school always comes first in my schedule. This is a discipline that I consider very crucial to our home. It is too easy to just let things slide a bit, and before you know it, summer is here, and the school work is not done. Not me - I need my summer vacation! So, all you home-schooling moms out there, do yourself a favor and buckle down this year! It makes for a wonderful, long summer!
I quite agree about those wonderful, long summers! I've been keeping up, though I don't always comment. I can't believe you have a Kindle!! someone posted this link and I had to share it with you.....
I have a new page for piano that you should be able to access without logging in.... I have several personalities on fb now.... : ) is the other one.