There is a sense in which I look forward to the weekend, even with all of its busyness. The main reason –
no school! Now I suppose that some of you are shocked to find that I do not enjoy home-schooling. Doesn’t every home-schooling mother
love teaching school? Why else would they do it? Personally, I excessively dislike teaching school. If there were any other way to educate my children while on the road, I would be all over it like sprinkles on ice cream.
I was a home-school student myself, and enjoyed school (all except geometric proofs and calculus), so why is it such a chore to teach my children? I don’t know! I just do not like it. I love teaching piano, but teaching school is a whole different ball game. Right now I am looking at a life sentence of home school – at least another 15 years added to the 6 I have under my belt. I suppose that is why I am such a school Nazi. I don’t even give my kids recess (truth be told, most days they waste so much time between subjects, they don’t need recess)! My kids are wonderful—really. I just hope they get more enjoyment out of their education than I do!
This seems like a very negative post, but how many of you are with me? :) Yesterday I spent what seemed like hours trying to pound the one-vowel/two-vowel rule into Esther’s head
again. I try so hard to be patient, because I know she is just learning all this new information, but I really think the fastest way to an insane asylum is by teaching your own children. The rationale behind this statement is as follows.
Teaching your own kids is hard because:
1. You know the facts.
2. Your child is very intelligent (obviously, because they are related to you)
3. I already explained this
fifty-eleven times before!
4. If they still don’t get it, remember it, etc., more volume must be necessary to impart the knowledge.
5. When you use volume (paired with great frustration), your child might turn on the waterworks (they are frustrated, too)
6. While you are trying to calmly explain that “cost” is not pronounced “cluck,” (and would you
please stop guessing and READ the word?) a fight breaks out behind you over who gets to use the three-hole punch next, and your toddler nags you for a drink. The phone rings, and you get a text message from your husband asking if you know where some important papers are (maybe those are the ones the kids were coloring earlier). The dryer buzzes, and the next load of laundry must be transferred from the washer to the dryer, and the dry clothes folded. As the clock strikes twelve noon, fierce hunger pains stab your pre-teen son with such violence that he begins asking if we are going to eat today (as if eating is optional around our house). Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the whole situation, there are only two options--cry or shout. I try to choose the latter whenever possible. My crying would upset the kids. :)
Teaching other people’s kids is easy because:
1. You know the facts.
2. If they don’t understand, it must be stupid genes. Some people just can’t be taught! No sweat.
3. You can send them home after a few hours and give yourself a break!
While this is a rather facetious way of saying it, being a home-schooling mother is hard work! My hat is off to all of you who are where I am (evangelist’s wives are even more so, due to the ministry deadlines every day/weekend). To those of you who truly enjoy home-schooling—you amaze me! When I grow up, I want to be just like you! For the rest of us, just relax – we all have those moments, those days, and those weeks. You are not perfect, but neither are you alone! Make the best of it and keep looking forward to the weekend!
P.S. Don’t forget that today is Mega
Swagbucks Day! If you haven’t signed up for
Swagbucks yet, get started today! I am finding better ways to earn all the time, and I am hoping to fund
all my birthday and Christmas shopping through
Swagbucks this year. I just found a great way to save myself time and money – the SBTV Mobile app for my phone. I can earn 100
Swagbucks each day just by letting it play while I do my work. For those of you that do SBTV on the computer, it is very similar, but even better. I simply mute my volume, and push play. It automatically goes to the next clip, without you having to sit and watch it. Great feature! I can get all my housework done and still earn
Swagbucks while I am doing it! It might be best to make sure you have an unlimited plan first, though! :)