
Monday, February 7, 2011

Romantic Remembrance

My husband has been planning a "secret" date for us all of last week.  The date is planned for tomorrow, the anniversary of a very memorable event.  Eleven years ago, Paul asked me to be his wife, and, of course, I accepted.  I think it very romantic that he has planned such a special event for this normally little-celebrated milestone.  I don't know what all he has in store, but I do know there is babysitting (a must for any romantic date), dinner, and an ocean sunset in the works.  Sigh... How romantic!  Anyway, I know we will have a good time together, just the two of us!

I also have practical plans for tomorrow.  Since we are going to be out of the trailer most of the day, I am having the carpet cleaned.  It really is disgraceful how awful it looks.  There is not really a good way to keep off-white carpet looking nice when you have four kids tracking dirt, spilling drinks, dumping plates, having various and sundry "accidents," in addition to the wear of normal use.  This also means that I have to do some major house cleaning just so the cleaners can get to the carpet.  All the furniture has to be moved out, and the kid's belongings have to be stacked, piled, shoved, and hidden in various places.  Ugh.  I will need a romantic evening after all that! :)  I will be so glad to have clean carpet once again - it will be almost like having a new trailer!

I redeemed my Swagbucks today for another Amazon gift card. I love earning rewards!  My Amazon account is slowly growing, and I am hoping by the end of the year to have a lot of Christmas shopping paid for through Swagbucks!  Sign up today for great savings!

Here it is- the picture you've all been waiting for! I finally got the program to upload, and this is our most recent, unedited, candid, family photo!  Left to right: Esther, me (Sarah), Paul, Daniel, Abigail, & Josiah.  In the background, you can see the Pacific Ocean.  I love it!  Wish you all were here!

Crow Family - February 2011


  1. Your family is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I remember that night well! Wow--11 years already?
