
Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Jolly Holiday

Today dawned bright and beautiful and we decided to take the family to see the Pacific Ocean.  We drove up the coast a little ways, and found a rocky stretch of beach where we could spend some time in solitude.  The kids all loved the water, except for Daniel who was afraid.  The surf was crashing rather loudly, and the waves were all foam as they washed onto the coast.  The only people we saw were a few surfers trying to catch the waves off in the distance.  We played in the chilly water a bit, and the kids dug holes and built a "house" out of rocks.  We dubbed it the "Foolish Man's House" because it was built on the sand.  I have no doubt that when the tide comes in, it will go CRASH just as it did in the song!  It was so much fun just to relax and enjoy spending time with our children.  I took the opportunity to attempt another family picture.  That always adds excitement to the day.  I think we will be able to salvage at least one, perhaps more if I "photoshop" them! :) So, here is our most recent (only a few hours old) family picture.

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