
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Guatemala–Part 2

One of our goals was to do some huge tract distributions, and the best place to do that is where are the people gather – in the markets!


We spent several hours stamping the tracts with the church name and contact information.


Steve was a tract-stamping machine!  We all stood in awe of his ability! LOL


Clarissa wasn’t too bad, either! :)


The local market where most of the food is purchased – there are hundreds of people selling their wares.


It is very congested in the streets of the market, with people, buses, motorbikes, and tuc-tucs (the little three-wheeled taxis for hire). 


The stores in the city tend to specialize in one kind of item.  For instance, this shop sells bicycle wheels and tires.  It can take all day to run errands, since you must visit a different store for each kind of item that you need.

I am really glad for the convenience of grocery stores and department stores, not to mention the mass-merchandise stores that we have in the USA!

Wednesday was also the church’s regular mid-week service.


I helped out with the music in the service


There was a good crowd, and the people were all very friendly.


Misty taught the children’s class that dismissed after the singing in the main service.


They were learning about Gideon, and really enjoyed their lesson.


My new amiga, Debora – she was such a sweet little girl!

Thus ended day two.

To be continued…

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