
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Down on the Farm

We made it!  We headed out of Minnesota yesterday morning knowing that we had a grueling 10-hour trip ahead of us.  Besides, that, it was Labor Day.  I don't know why we always feel the need to travel on major holidays!  Anyway, with all of the construction and tons of Chicago drivers, our 10-hour trip turned into a 14-hour trip!  What a nightmare!  There were times that we were stopped completely, and other times that we oozed along so slowly that I could have walked and arrived faster!  We were all so exhausted by the time we reached my in-laws' farm in Indiana, that we practically fell into bed. 

The kids are so happy to be at the farm with Papa & Grandma.  There are always so many things to do and see.  The newest attraction is the chickens.  There are about fifteen or twenty chickens that have just started laying eggs.  The kids went with their grandparents to gather today's haul - five brand new eggs!  Daniel is somewhat apprehensive about socializing with the chickens, but Paul held him, so he was fine...  As I write this, all the kids have taken a ride down to the pond with Paul and Papa on the big, red Farmall tractor.  We are here for a few days of R&R before heading off to another few weeks of meetings.  We could all use a break.  School, of course, is still a priority, but at this point, nothing else is!  I love it!  The days are gloriously cool, and the nights are crisp.  Fall is approaching quickly.  The leaves will begin to turn in the next few weeks, and then winter will be upon us!  I love the fall season.  Everything seems so fresh and beautiful.  I am unable to load any pictures from here, but I have already picked out some great shots to share when I get the chance.  Enjoy these last few days of summer while they last!

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